Do You Trust Your Knowing Over the Popularity Contest?

Do You Trust Your Knowing Over the Popularity Contest?

Do You Trust Your Soul Knowing Over the Popularity Contest?
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Do you trust your soul knowing over the popularity contest?

Let’s explore this. Have you ever allowed yourself to be swayed from your inner knowing about someone or something because someone else or many someone elses had a different opinion than you?

I know I sure have.


Throughout the years, I have found myself in this scenario on multiple occasions. Whether hiring someone, going to an event, or engaging in something, I agreed because it seemed like all these people I knew were feeling it. Even though in my deep down soul knowing, I sensed it wasn’t right, but because people had endorsed it, I thought I must be wrong.


I have lost money this way by taking the advice and then realizing – I can’t show up here in true alignment.

I agreed because it seemed like all these people I knew were feeling it. Even though in my deep down soul knowing, I sensed it wasn’t right, but because people had endorsed it, I thought I must be wrong.

Recently, it popped up again. Someone I know had a strong opinion about someone else I know. They were so clear and right about it that they convinced me that their opinion was true. I behaved like their opinion was true and never stopped checking in on what I truly thought and felt.


It’s situations like these where your magic comes in. If you don’t know what your magic is, I invite you to take the Sourced Magic Quiz to discover yours!


Your Sourced Magic is the way your knowing works through you.


If I had paused in this scenario to check in with what my knowing was saying, I would have been able to see the energy flow and know what was true for me. But I didn’t do that because this opinion was so strong and clear that I let it override my magic.

If I had paused in this scenario to check in with what my knowing was saying, I would have been able to see the energy flow and know what was true for me.

It ended up causing me pain. After unpacking it, I realized it was an energetic pattern resurfacing to heal. If you follow someone on Instagram or go to an event because it seems popular but doesn’t align with who you are, that comes from an energy pattern from the past. It is some kind of past wound that has you not being able to trust yourself.


I was able to look at this scenario and energy pattern, and tie it back to my family of origin. I found myself in a place and time where I was consistently told that a person was a certain way.



Now in my mind, I can go back and see that was not the truth.


When I could get in touch with my knowing and go back to being a kid and imagine these scenarios where I was told one thing, my knowing was telling me something else. I could finally go back to that place and time and claim what was true for me.

In going back and claiming what was true, I was able to know that person was wonderful to me. For me, this person was solid and loved me. For me, this person never gave me a reason to doubt them except for someone else saying it to me.



I could go back and claim that truth. I could see that the person putting doubt in my ear was the seed of a life-long pattern of allowing someone with a certain energy and an unquestionable certainty and conviction to cause me to override what I knew to be true.

I could see that the person putting doubt in my ear was the seed of a life-long pattern of allowing someone with a certain energy and an unquestionable certainty and conviction to cause me to override what I knew to be true.


So what does this have to do with you?


Have you ever had the experience of overriding what you know to be true?


This would happen either because a certain person is convicting of a different opinion or because you look around and think that everyone seems to like this person, everyone is following and quoting them, so they must be good and right, and it must be true.


If your knowing seems like something is off, I want to encourage you to trust that knowing. If we look at how many places in society, the popular candidate may not be soul-aligned for you, or you don’t agree with the popular opinion on a soul level.


This is an invitation to do your work, go back and clean up any place where you took someone else’s truth as your own.


When you decide who to study with, who to be friends with, who to partner with, check in with what your Sourced Magic, your inner-knowing, has to say and trust that.


Does your magic come alive there?

Does your soul feel safe there?


Then trust yourself over anyone else and most definitely over popular opinion.

Visit my YouTube channel to watch the full video, Do You Trust Your Soul Knowing Over the Popularity Contest.

This is an invitation to do your work, go back and clean up any place where you took someone else’s truth as your own.

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Gestation versus Momentum – Trusting Source to Set the Pace

Gestation versus Momentum – Trusting Source to Set the Pace

Gestation versus Momentum – Trusting Source to Set the Pace
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Momentum vs. Gestation – how do you know where you are and what you need?

We are creating a new website!


I made a YouTube video a while back about developing our new website. The video was about having a transformational container in which the website would be created.


We have been in this container of support to create the new website, and one of the things we do in each meeting is to go around the room to presence what is available to each person at that time.


Not necessarily the details of the project, but what has been bubbling up in their awareness and intuition since we last met. In our latest meeting, we realized that the feeling in the room was that of momentum.


Although we have been doing things for the website, they have been small as we were in a gestation period. We have been thinking, feeling, sensing, etc.!


How amazing is that! To have a team collectively sensing the same energy at the same pace because Source is guiding us!


We collectively feel a shift into the momentum and are ready to execute.

How amazing is that! To have a team collectively sensing the same energy at the same pace because Source is guiding us!

We are now ready to make decisions and be in action. Had we tried to be in the place of momentum before we were ready, it would not work out very well, but again, Source is guiding us.


I have done this before, and it feels like frustration.


I point this out as a team, but we each have this individually as well.


Individually, you have cycles for things you are holding. You are either in a place of Gestation or holding. In Gestation, you are holding space for the project to unfold, for the awareness to kick in, and for Source to deliver different messages to you through humans, conversations, and things happening in the world.

In Gestation, you are holding space for the project to unfold, for the awareness to kick in, and for Source to deliver different messages to you through humans, conversations, and things happening in the world.

Then you hit the place of clarity and readiness for momentum or to birth the new idea and move it forward. Nothing is worse than being in a gestation period and thinking you should be in momentum.   


Our culture expects us to be in momentum all the time. Wanting to be in momentum all the time, at least for my team, doesn’t work. We are in collective energy, which is either Gestation or momentum. 


The most common thing I see is to discern default energy from Sourced energy. 

    • Default energy may say, I can’t take that action, I can’t be in momentum because everything isn’t perfect yet, and I’m not ready.

    • Sourced energy will say, I’m not taking action because I know I will know when I am ready to take action.  

Those are two very different things. A person could be in a place of deep knowing that they are in a gestation period and that the birth will happen and feel good about it. 

Or they might be in the gestation period, but because they know how default energy feels (procrastinating, hiding out, trying not to be seen), they might mistake the gestation period for default energy and then beat themselves up for not being in momentum when in reality they are simply still in Gestation! 

Nothing is worse than being in a gestation period and thinking you should be in momentum.   


Our culture expects us to be in momentum all the time. Wanting to be in momentum all the time, at least for my team, doesn’t work.

This awareness is why the work we do at Sourced is so essential.


We teach others how to be 100% clear when you are in Gestation, knowing you are in a cycle, feeling good about it, not pushing anything, not forcing anything, not producing only to be in momentum.


The other part is knowing when you are ready and taking precise, potent, and fast action.

It is impossible to waste time. When you have an energetic awareness of life, everything that happens and unfolds contributes to your becoming energetically. You have access to all of that forever.

When COVID started, I was leading retreats about how to lead profitable retreats. That was not popular at that moment.


Did I feel at that moment, “oh no, the world took away my livelihood, and all the time I spent developing this program was wasted because I have to start over?


No. I didn’t feel that because who I became when developing that work was accessible to me to create the next stage. It didn’t go away. It is always there.


You can’t waste your time. You are not behind, and you can’t mess it up. Source is with you 100% of the time.


Tell me what your thoughts are on this.


    • Does this speak to you?
    • Do you know someone beating themselves up over past decisions that need to hear this?

You can’t waste your time. You are not behind, and you can’t mess it up. Source is with you 100% of the time. 

Why When You Live Sourced, Time Can Never Be Wasted

Why When You Live Sourced, Time Can Never Be Wasted

Why When You Live Sourced, Time Can Never Be Wasted
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I’ve been experiencing several landmark dates lately.

For instance, my wedding anniversary (the marriage no longer exists) was on Monday, so I have been present to the idea of wasting time or feeling like we are behind somehow.


Have you ever felt that way?

It has been a year since my marriage ended, and much healing has happened. I’m at a place of deep acceptance, profound release of my right to be upset and angry, and am at a place where I have embraced everything that has changed in my life.

I was with my ex for nine years. I grew a lot, and the person I am now is not the person I was at the beginning of those nine years. Last year, however, when my marriage was “blown up,” one of my primary thoughts and reactions was about having “wasted my time.”

I’m at a place of deep acceptance, profound release of my right to be upset and angry, and am at a place where I have embraced everything that has changed in my life.

Like I said before, I did much of my growth on my own, but much of that growth happened within the container of the relationship. The growth occurred in response to what was happening in the relationship.


If I held on to the idea that I had wasted nine years of my life (prime years, by the way), the idea that I shouldn’t be the age that I am single and starting over, and the idea that I am behind the prescribed timeline, then I would have been stuck in that reality.


I have been thinking about some Facebook posts I have seen recently pointing out how some famous people found their success later in life. There are lots of people who have reinvented and created something beautiful later in life.


This idea is that time can be wasted, and because we have wasted that time, we are somehow behind where we should be. This idea is very toxic and so easy to latch on to.


The idea that if I had done something different, I would be in another place right now is not helpful. Because guess what? You didn’t. You’re not. You are here. What if exactly where you are is the perfect place to be?

This idea is that time can be wasted, and because we have wasted that time, we are somehow behind where we should be. This idea is very toxic and so easy to latch on to.

If you are interacting with this conversation, who you are now is amazing! You are clear; you are Sourced, you know who you are, you are here to make an impact, and you are connected to your diving knowing.


What is that worth?


I can say I am at a point where I can look at the nine years I spent with my ex, which in theory ended up as nothing; I can look at who I became during that time and credit that relationship for the growth (at least some) I experienced.


I love who I am, and I love who I have become. It can be hard to give that level of credit to someone who hurt you, but my becoming happened within the container of that relationship. I can’t possibly know how it would have gone any other way except for how it went.

I love who I am, and I love who I have become. It can be hard to give that level of credit to someone who hurt you, but my becoming happened within the container of that relationship. I can’t possibly know how it would have gone any other way except for how it went.

So did I waste time?


Or did I allow new energies to come through me during that time, getting practice as a more expansive version of myself even if it came through contrast and challenging situations?


I became a newer version of me, and as soon as we make that wrong, we lose access to the energy and potency of who we are and that experience.

It is impossible to waste time. When you have an energetic awareness of life, everything that happens and unfolds contributes to your becoming energetically. You have access to all of that forever.



Even if your circumstances change, your business changes, your location changes, and even if your home changes, you still have who you became.



That nurturance never goes away.

It is impossible to waste time. When you have an energetic awareness of life, everything that happens and unfolds contributes to your becoming energetically. You have access to all of that forever.

When COVID started, I was leading retreats about how to lead profitable retreats. That was not popular at that moment.


Did I feel at that moment, “oh no, the world took away my livelihood, and all the time I spent developing this program was wasted because I have to start over?


No. I didn’t feel that because who I became when developing that work was accessible to me to create the next stage. It didn’t go away. It is always there.


You can’t waste your time. You are not behind, and you can’t mess it up. Source is with you 100% of the time.


Tell me what your thoughts are on this.


    • Does this speak to you?
    • Do you know someone beating themselves up over past decisions that need to hear this?

You can’t waste your time. You are not behind, and you can’t mess it up. Source is with you 100% of the time. 

Source Wants More for You Than You Even Want for Yourself

Source Wants More for You Than You Even Want for Yourself

Source Wants More for You Than You Even Want for Yourself
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


This week I was on location once again. This time in Colorado! The cooler weather was a nice escape from the Texas heat!


Here is what I am here to say. Source wants more for you than you even want for yourself. I went to see Abraham Hicks in a live workshop over the weekend and was in the energy of focusing on desire.


What do you desire? Desire is from Source, and when we have a desire that is in alignment, it will manifest faster than you can imagine. We try to plan, control, and micromanage our decisions, yet the truth is that if it is an aligned desire, it will come in ways we didn’t expect. It can be easy to forget this and begin making decisions based on logic and reasoning rather than desire.

Source wants more for you than you even want for yourself.


I have spoken many times about the time I cashed out my retirement, knowing it was “illogical,” and yet by “magic,” that money was returned to me and then some in weeks.


Over the last twelve years, every time I have taken action, as if everything is going to line up for my desire, it has every single time.


Another thing on desire – my desires are different now than when I started my business twelve years ago. I used to have big desires. I wanted to live in the house on the water (I have). I had enormous desires for my revenue, the number of people I would reach with my work, and the role I wanted to play. All these desires have happened, by the way.

Over the last twelve years, every time I have taken action, as if everything is going to line up for my desire, it has every single time.

The more I trust my desires, the less grand they need to be for me to trust them. My desires used to be big.


I will move to this location.
I will buy this thing.
I will hire this person.


Today, my desires are more like


I want to go left rather than right.
I want to move my body.
I want to call this person today.


The desires feel smaller, but I trust them. Now Source doesn’t need some grand vision to overcome my resistance to taking a small action.

The desires feel smaller, but I trust them.

Today, I don’t have to get hyped up about some big vision (although I do have them). All I need is the knowing of – this is the right next step.

Teach this class.
Call this person.
Go on this trip.
Book this flight.

I am having my best and lightest year yet in business. When you can honor your desires, you don’t have to work as hard. It doesn’t feel scary or stressful because you know if you trust Source it will all work itself out. It feels tiny, but all the tiny steps seem to work well.

You don’t have to control it; you don’t have to know why; you don’t have to intellectualize, understand or rationalize. You just know.


Source wants more for you than you want for yourself.


What do you think of this trend toward smaller desires?


I was trained with a masculine approach that taught me to have big desires. Have a business plan that says this is going to happen in this many years by taking this many actions.

The less reliant I am on that approach, the more things seem to work out more easily. What are your thoughts about desires becoming smaller but more precise?

So take action, even if it makes no sense. When it is aligned with your desire, Source will meet you.

So take action, even if it makes no sense. When it is aligned with your desire, Source will meet you.

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