My Journey to Sourced

My Journey to Sourced

I created Sourced because, well, spirit told me to!

I was sitting at my kitchen table watching the birds outside my window and chatting with a colleague on the phone. I was seven years in business at this point. My business was ‘successful’ – it was funding my dream home on the water, I traveled whenever I wanted, and I could work most days in my pj’s if I chose to. 

As I heard myself say these words, however, I knew something needed to change. I said “If it weren’t for this stupid _________ I created, my life and business would be SO EASY right now! Why did I do this?” (You can fill in the blank with your own marketing campaign, program, or event that wasn’t a Sourced™ decision.)

When I broke down what was happening, I could instantly recognize my ego at play. I had created a whole new offering, and I thought it was intuitively guided. Yet here I was close to tears as I faced the result of my decisions. 

In that moment I promised myself I would do business differently. I didn’t have the words for it then, but I committed to becoming Sourced™.

I’d always been intuitive in the way I ran my business. I’d gotten ‘signs’ that guided me to attract the funds to start my business, to start hosting retreats, to relocate to Denver, to come out of the closet and marry a woman, to share stories that changed people’s lives, and more. 

Yet following the signs alone had led me here, about to lose $50,000 and totally hating my days.

This was not why I started a transformation business!

So I made a COMMITMENT in that moment that I would never be in this place again. 

Never mind that I had been taught by mentors and marketing gurus that the thing to do was push through, to hustle and make this work. “Pick up the phone and make the money,” a former mentor’s voice rang in my ear. 

But I knew this was about more than figuring out how to make it work — I’d been there, done that, and gotten the T-shirt. 

This was an invitation to STOP the hustle, to learn specifically why and how my ego had created this to begin with, and to become Sourced™ (not forced). And that’s exactly what I did. I committed.

I trusted that the $50K I “lost” would be returned in a new way, and I let it go.

I proceeded to spend the next two years on a path to understand how my intuition, my soul connection to Source energy, works. So that I could shift from waiting around for the ‘signs’ and hoping to interpret them correctly, to having a direct line to infinite wisdom, and a divine knowing of who I came here to be, in each moment.

In hindsight I can see that those years ago, while spirit had given me an intuitive ‘hit’ about something that was certainly accurate, it was my mind (led by my ego) that hurried and filled in the blanks and created that offering that was not mine to do, or at least not at that time.

I have since studied, worked with coaches and participated in retreats, attracted clients who were fabulous teachers, and moved through loads of ‘sourced experiences’ in my own life. I’ve learned on the front lines of my own business transformation that I have access to so much more wisdom than I ever thought possible before!

Hint: It wasn’t simply learning tips and tricks for accessing it that mattered, or head learning, it was moving through the energetic healing process, opening me to a whole new vibration, or energetic upgrade, which allowed me to RECEIVE in a whole new way.

What a surprise! I’d been doing this energetic healing work with clients for years, yet it was time for me to go to the next level and connect deeper with my soul’s purpose in this life. In the process I discovered and integrated all sorts of new tools for opening people’s hearts and souls to divine guidance, starting with my own. And, guess what? Many of the tools had been with me all along, my ego had simply had me afraid to use them! (This is likely the case for you too, oh beautiful beacon of light!)

Almost two years after declaring my commitment to lead differently, I was ready to hear the words from spirit, the directive to build a movement called Sourced™, and to be a beacon for business, and leadership done differently. Leading with vibration first, as a space of light and love, which includes all the truths of the shadow or the darkness as well. The mission I had been on for years, to have more influence in the hands of RICH (Right-brained, Intuitive, Connected, and Heart-centered) leaders, got an energetic upgrade.

Living a Sourced™ life means providing yourself with the time and space to HEAR your soul, giving yourself massive permission to be, and love, ALL of you. The real you. At your own pace. Unencumbered. Glorious. Shining. Divine.

Today I am on a mission to have leaders who lead Sourced™ have more money and visibility (modern day influence) for their individual missions to unfold. This is how we spread love energy on the planet, one light-filled leader at a time.

For a full year I practiced living Sourced™ in my own life, and came face-to-face with ways I wanted to default to old ways of being, relying on common wisdom or external advice rather than trusting the inner knowing that spirit had planted in me.

Those of us with a divinely aligned mission can easily fall back to the traditional energetic we were raised in, which is why I am clear that Sourced™ is not just a coaching program or a philosophy. It is a community in which the commitment to high vibe living is understood, navigated, supported and continually integrated as we grow, together.

Want to start creating better client results by working with your magic now?


(before it becomes a part of our paid programming)!

Connect with our tribe! Share your Sourced™ story over on our Facebook page.

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The Codependence Epidemic and Deferring Your Power

The Codependence Epidemic and Deferring Your Power

I’d like to disclose something to you today.

I haven’t always been clear and discerning.

In fact, for quite a few years I had an internal battle between the part of me that was SO CLEAR about what I do, why I do it, and the importance of my work, and the part of me that was a scared little girl who wanted to avoid my decision-making power.

I was called to do this work in a big way when I was trained as a diversity coach in my corporate role, helping people to work well together despite the social distance. I fell in love with coaching and the transformational power of creating new awareness.

At the same time, I began to recognize something that I felt was ‘off’ about the way people were working in corporate (especially me!). We were working A LOT. And I personally was hustling from one thing to the next to the next without a lot of presence. I wasn’t enjoying each step of the way — in fact, in truth, I wasn’t even there for it, I was on to the next thing already in my mind

My coach training, followed by extensive work with Landmark Education, had helped me discover this gap. And I knew I was committed to something different. I knew, with every cell of my being, that who I am BEING matters more than what I am DOING. And I could see that I, and others, were missing so much of life by DOING first.

My whole goal when starting my business was to create my own work environment that allowed me to trust this way of operating and enjoy being present.

Yet when I actually started my business, I wasn’t all ‘Zen Jen’ about it, to say the least. I was in a foreign territory, and all of my ego’s defensive came up loud and proud.

And by the way, this still happens for all of us when we go to a new level.

So it’s no surprise that, even though in my own mind and heart I was committed to cultivating a peaceful and present energy in my business, six months in I found myself on a webinar training with a ‘marketing expert’ for coaches… and the very first message on the webinar went like this:

“To be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to HUSTLE. You have to push beyond what anyone else is doing. You need to constantly be creating. You need to be continually throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.”

I’m not even joking, this was the opening message.

Can you see how OPPOSITE that was from my reason for starting a business?

Now, you would think that I would immediately be turned off by this and run away.

But as I said at the start, I haven’t always been clear and discerning.

So even though I KNEW and I CONSCIOUSLY THOUGHT, “Wow, this lady is not for me,” my ego-mind got hooked. I began to wonder, “What if I’m wrong?” which was an old and tired story in my life.

And suddenly I literally couldn’t NOT know what it was that she had to say.

So I bought her program. And the next one. And the next one. And before you know it, I was a star student of this person.

Now, this was a super-smart person who I learned so much from, and I will never not give credit for that. I tried things I may not have otherwise tried, and my business did indeed grow – A LOT.

But I sacrificed MUCH internally to do so.

And the truth is, I gave my power away to her. Again and again and again.

And she was more than happy to take it.  

From publicly shaming people in our mastermind who ‘made a mistake’ to rewarding and highlighting people who did it her way (at all costs), she conditioned us that she knew more and we must listen.

I could tell you cringe-worthy stories of ways I, and others turned our power over to the all-knowing guru. (She once told me I was thinking with my vagina!

And here’s the thing, it was simply the norm. And that made it tough to discern.

Energetically I felt it, in the same way, I felt that the culture of the corporate world was ‘off’. I saw that the most successful in our community were either the most insecure or even physically unhealthy, giving up sleep, or seemingly depressed over being made wrong all the time.

And no one was ever more successful than the leader.

I could see this clearly, because seeing energy clearly is my gift, yet I didn’t leave.

Because that part of me that was conditioned with “What if I’m wrong?” secretly loved being told what to do. I didn’t have to risk my own heart when I was taking my direction directly from her.

Never mind that I was giving up the ESSENCE of who I came here to be, most of the time, to keep up that arrangement.

I chose safety.

Until I didn’t.

Until it became abundantly clear that it was time for me to believe myself.

And when I made a new choice, I could see so many things clearly.

Yet it took me a good two years to detox the old energy from my field and from my business. I could see how there were things I agreed to with her, that I had let my clients agree to with me — that I had let my clients believe I had an answer that they didn’t have. That I would be able to show them what they couldn’t see.

And here’s the deal. In some ways that is true. I am an expert at seeing the energy and discerning patterns that are out of alignment with truth. It is in my design, and it is my gift. (Maybe it’s your gift too?)

And that is great, and people can buy that skill from me, and then some (I’m amazing at making the energy practical).
But that is VERY different than allowing people to defer their power to me. And I had to get clear that I was no longer available for that.

People will gladly pay you a lot of money to be able to give you their power so they don’t have to be responsible for it. I sure did. Please don’t let them. The cost is too great – for you and for them.

This is codependence.

I was raised in codependence. It was all I saw growing up. Manipulation. Loss of power. Victim mindset. And while I had healed A LOT of it, I also felt perfectly comfortable in that dynamic for a long time. We cling to that old safety when we are faced with new growth.

And it is no surprise this is happening – the way we were trained to relate to work is to defer our power to a company. We learn to manipulate as infants (I cry, you feed). Never mind if you add family dysfunction to the mix!

But the entire premise of coaching is that we are here to serve others as they claim their own power. We should be the one place where the energy is clean. Where we hold love and compassion for others while seeing them as whole and complete and infinitely wise.

I’ve seen so many AMAZING clients get hooked into a codependent pattern with their business. And I mean, they are amazing.

So I want to suggest that it could be happening for you too. Whether you are wanting more for your clients than they want for themselves, or you fear that you won’t be ok without closing that client, or that they won’t be ok without you, or you think you have to be working non-stop for your offerings to be valuable, or you won’t succeed without that coach in your corner, or you won’t succeed if you follow your own path, or… I could go on and on.

But, great news! There is an antidote to sneaky codependent patterns.

I call it becoming Sourced™!

I took my power back and transformed the energy in my business, and you can too! I learned to trust my intuitive knowing, my Sourced™ guidance, and it has led me to know so much of my right direction on my own, and guided me to the support I need when I need it with clarity and discernment.

You CAN work with fabulous clients you love, who are every bit as fabulous as you. They can deeply know their own heart, and still totally value the brilliance you bring forward.

Want to start listening deeper for greater soul alignment?

Download your Sourced Experience™ Free Audio Lesson HERE

(before it becomes a part of our paid programming)!

Connect with our tribe! Share your Sourced™ story over on our Facebook page.

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Becoming Sourced by Losing My Shorts?

Becoming Sourced by Losing My Shorts?

I lost $50K and gained a relationship with Source . . . read on.

Are you considering becoming a Sourced™ business leader? You know, the kind who loves themselves and therefore life so much that they are willing to live as an expression of source energy, hearing divine guidance and acting on it without fear?

Count me in!

And I’m not saying that means fear is gone, however, love guides my actions (ALMOST all of the time ;))

I created a new brand called Sourced™, which I am discovering is really a whole new business, because, well, spirit told me to!

I was sitting at my kitchen table watching the birds outside my window and chatting with a colleague on the phone. I was seven years in business at this point. My business was ‘successful’ – it was funding my dream home on the water, I traveled whenever I wanted, and I could work most days in my pj’s if I chose to.

As I heard myself say these words, however, I knew something needed to change: “If it weren’t for this stupid _________ I created, my life and business would be SO EASY right now! Why did I do this?” (You can fill in the blank with your own marketing campaign, program, or event that wasn’t a Sourced™ decision.)

When I broke down what was happening, I could instantly recognize my ego at play. I had created a whole new offering, and I thought it was intuitively guided.

Yet here I was close to tears as I faced the result of my decisions — losing $50,000.

In that moment I promised myself I would do business differently. I didn’t have the words for it then, but I committed to becoming Sourced™.

I’d always been intuitive in the way I ran my business. I’d gotten ‘signs’ that guided me to attract the funds to start my business, to start hosting retreats, to relocate to Denver, to come out of the closet and marry a woman, to share stories that changed people’s lives, and more.

Yet following the signs alone had led me here, on the phone trying to decide what to do next. I could make myself miserable and push to ‘fix’ the problem with the financials, or, well, not. I’d been pushing thus far and totally hating my days. This was not why I started a transformation business!

So I made a COMMITMENT in that moment that I would never be in this place again.

Never mind that I had been taught by mentors and marketing gurus that the thing to do was push through, to hustle and make this work. “Pick up the phone and make the money,” a former mentor’s voice rang in my ear.

But I knew this was about more than figuring out how to make it work — I’d been there, done that, and gotten the T-shirt.

This was an invitation to STOP the hustle, to learn specifically why and how my ego had created this to begin with, and to become Sourced™ (not forced).

And that’s exactly what I did. I committed.

I trusted that the $50K I “lost” would be returned in a new way, and I let it go.

I proceeded to spend the next two years on a path to understand how my intuition, my soul connection to Source energy, really works. So that I could shift from waiting around for the ‘signs’ and hoping to interpret them correctly, to having a direct line to infinite wisdom, and a divine knowing of who I came here to be, in each moment.

In hindsight, I can see that years ago, while spirit had given me an intuitive ‘hit’ about something that was certainly accurate, it was my mind (led by my ego) that hurried and filled in the blanks and created that offering that was not mine to do, or at least not at that time.

I have since studied, worked with coaches and participated in retreats, attracted clients who were fabulous teachers, and moved through loads of ‘sourced experiences’ in my own life. I’ve learned on the front lines of my own business transformation that I have access to so much more wisdom than I ever thought possible before!

Hint: It wasn’t simply learning tips and tricks for accessing intuition that mattered, or head learning, it was moving through the energetic healing process, opening me to a whole new vibration, or energetic upgrade, which allowed me to RECEIVE in a whole new way.

What a surprise! I’d been doing this energetic healing work with clients for years, yet it was time for me to go to the next level and connect deeper with my soul’s purpose in this life.

In the process I discovered and integrated all sorts of new tools for opening people’s hearts and souls to divine guidance, starting with my own. And, guess what? Many of the tools had been with me all along, my ego had simply had me afraid to use them! (This is likely the case for you too, oh beautiful beacon of light!)

Almost two years after declaring my commitment to lead differently, I was ready to hear the words from spirit, the directive to build a movement called Sourced™, and to be a beacon for business, and leadership done differently. Leading with vibration first, as a space of light and love, which includes all the truths of the shadow or the darkness as well. The mission I had been on for years, to have more influence in the hands of RICH (Right-brained, Intuitive, Connected, and Heart-centered) leaders, got an energetic upgrade.

Today I am on a mission to have leaders who lead Sourced™ have more money and visibility (modern-day influence) for their individual missions to unfold. This is how we spread love energy on the planet, one light-filled leader at a time.

For a full year after I made my commitment, I practiced living Sourced™ in my own life, and came face-to-face with so many ways I wanted to default to old ways of being, relying on common wisdom or external advice rather than trusting the inner knowing that spirit had planted in me.

Those of us with a divinely aligned mission can easily fall back to the traditional energetic we were raised in, which is why I am clear that Sourced™ is not just a coaching program or a philosophy. It is a community in which the commitment to high vibe living is understood, navigated, supported and continually integrated as we grow, together.

Living a Sourced™ life means providing yourself with the time and space to HEAR your soul, giving yourself massive permission to be, and love, ALL of you. The real you. At your own pace. Unencumbered. Glorious. Shining. Divine.


Are you with me, dear transformational leader?

Want to start listening deeper for greater soul alignment?

Download your Sourced Experience™ Free Audio Lesson HERE

(before it becomes a part of our paid programming)!

Connect with our tribe! Share your Sourced™ story over on our Facebook page.

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Head on over to our RESOURCES page!