Masculine Structure + Feminine Flow

Masculine Structure + Feminine Flow

Masculine Structure + Feminine Flow
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


The ‘Anatomy of a Transformation’ is the core of my new book. It’s a structure that works to support you, to know where you are in the process, where Spirit is in the process, and where your client is in the process – in this beautiful transformational trio that is totally unstoppable.
Hello and welcome. This is Darla, and let’s speak about masculine structure and feminine flow today, shall we? One of the things that I have really discovered as I’ve been working with my new Sourced brand and what it wants to become, and writing my second book, which is due out April 12th, is that I am a stand for creating from a divine balance of masculine and feminine in your business. And by the way…


when I say balance, that doesn’t mean 50/50. It’s a divine balance of what is so for you.

In the way back history, we were a matriarchy, and obviously, we aren’t still. And so that didn’t go super well, or we would still be in that space. We’ve been most recently a patriarchy—more of the masculine. And we’re watching that start to fall apart and internally, especially if you’re a person in a female body or identify female as a business leader, you know that some of those things just don’t feel right.


And today we’re in a place where we get to reinvent, what does it look like to do business going forward? And I’m really a stand that we, no matter what type of body we’re in, incorporate a balance of the masculine structures and the feminine flow into the way we work.


So as someone who is a recovering engineer, my first career was as an engineer. So I have a lot of that left-brain access, first of all, naturally, but also training in using my left brain and understanding how to get things done, and to follow systems and structures and create them and all of that. And so that’s a part of the gift that I bring to my work is to be able to help create those structures.


That being said, some of my most profound growth and just joy and juice of life has been leaning into more of my feminine magic, really understanding the way my body communicates to me, the way that my intuition works, that is so beyond anything that could be predictable in this left-brain linear world.


It’s like there are things I just know. And I just know to do that free people that are not logical, that can’t be explained, and that’s the magic. And we all have that.


We all have a transformational magic.

At least you wouldn’t be here watching my channel, if you didn’t have a transformational magic that is beyond the logical, linear, rational. There’s a way in which you see things, you feel things, you take in from spirit, from your client. And it all kind of comes together to create transformation, and that wants to be nurtured. This more feminine energy flow wants to be nurtured.


Often because we don’t kind of see that big picture and understand that we can create structures that support us to be in our flow, we think everything has to be so structured and we allow it to shut down the intuition, to shut down the creativity. And when we do that, we lose that most vital essence of who we came here to be. And we don’t want that.


And so my dedication in my craft is to help entrepreneurs is to create structures within their business that allows them to be in flow. And there’s two ways that I personally am thinking about that and holding that right now.


One way is to have a business model structure that works so clients are flowing through the business model and it makes sense. And it all fits together and works with how your clients are transforming so that you’re not having to rethink, what do I market? What do I offer? What do I do?


Because the systems hold you.

The second way I think about that is when you’re in the business of transformation, sometimes we’re in our feminine flow, and we just get a hit for someone. And it’s like telling that person what you got, or shifting their energy, or however your magic works. That is the thing. And it totally changes their life. But other times maybe you get that same thing, but it doesn’t change their life. Or maybe you’re not getting anything. It’s like, oh gosh, that gift worked with this client, but it’s not working for this client. And when that happens, we can get nervous. We get out of flow.


And that is why my upcoming book it’s called Shift the Field. And it actually teaches a structure for transformation so that when you know the structure, the structure is always there supporting you, and you can be in your flow again.


So if you have a situation, let’s just use the example where normally you would get some kind of intuition for this client, and it’s not coming through. You can understand why it’s not coming through, and that is not you. And it’s not that your intuition has forsaken you, but there’s something specific that’s going on with the client that needs to be addressed in order to open up the flow.


And that’s how the structure, it’s called the Anatomy of a Transformation. And it’s the core of my new book. That’s how it works to help you, to support you, to know where you are in the process, where Spirit is in the process, and where your client is in the process, in this beautiful transformational trio that is totally unstoppable. So there are structures in your business model, the way you do business, that can support you in being in your flow.


There’s also structures that, when you understand them, it’s a way of thinking about transformation. It allows you to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. When something is happening with a client that’s maybe different than you’ve dealt with before, or your normal way of working, isn’t working, it’s a structure that you can lean into so you can stay in your flow without making yourself wrong, without making the client wrong, without making God wrong. It’s really, really amazing.


So if you’re interested in this topic and you want to get on the announcement list for when the book comes out, just put your name and email, there’s a link below where you can opt in to get on the interest list. And we will let you know as soon as the book is available for order. We’re also doing a really fun series of free gifts when you buy the book on launch day. So keep an eye out, and thank you so much. And we’ll see you soon.

UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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Insights are Cheap but This is Priceless

Insights are Cheap but This is Priceless

Insights are Cheap but This is Priceless
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


So often we stay in this churn of insights because it’s fun. It’s exciting. But a lot of coaches aren’t firmly holding this container for their client to go face the thing that pops up and integrate that change into their life. We love the bright, shiny object. Or your clients might love the bright, shiny object of getting insights because it feels fun, and like they’re changing and growing. But if they look at their business results or their relationship results or their parenting results or their career results, they’re not actually moving. They’re in the same place, which can actually feel worse.

Hi, this is Darla, and welcome to today’s video. And I want to let you in on a phrase that I am just loving so much right now, and I’ve even considered trademarking it. I have it on my website, and I originally used this phrase in a conversation with a friend, and when I said it, I went, “That’s so true. That’s so true.” And I believe it so passionately, I need to share it with you, and that is: Ah-has are cheap, integration is priceless, or another way to say it, insights are cheap, integration is priceless.


So I want you to think about this, do you have clients who are getting a lot of ah-has and maybe they’re even sharing with you? They’re cheering. They’re like, “Oh my God, I just got another aha.” You taught something and they went, “Oh,” or “I got an insight about why I’m doing this or why this happened.” Right? And that’s great. I’m not saying that is bad. That’s good. It can be helpful. But it also, it can be really, really easy to get an insight.


So if we think about just the idea of weight loss, if someone wants to lose weight, they probably have a hundred insights about their own relationship to their weight, right? If they didn’t, they’re probably not really interested in losing weight, right? They’ve been thinking about it. They’ve been maybe reading about it, learning different diets, trying different things, asking themselves, “Why is this happening?” Right? And so whatever area we can get insights in something, but that doesn’t mean it changes our life.


I remember when I was in my first marriage, and things weren’t great. There were a lot of issues, and I could figure them out. It was like, “Oh, I see why this is happening. I see that this was, he was this way and then that, and now this, and oh.” And I could really get very insightful about it, but none of that changed a damn thing, right? So if your clients are getting a lot of insights, but they’re not actually getting different results, I want you to just take a moment and breathe that in.

What would it be if I cared less about the insights and more about the results?

And getting an insight needs to be translated into integration in order to get a specific result. And I would even say, getting a truth, shifting your energy, right? Getting like, “Whoa, it’s totally possible to be a different energy about this.” Even that falls flat if we don’t actually go integrate that into our life.


So as an example, if I start to realize I’ve been heavy and negative about something, right? And I go through the process of understanding why, I get the insight, I get the truth, and I create a whole new possibility of being joyful, right? Or playful and playful feels so alive for me, and I’m so excited to be playful. But then I go back into my life and immediately the circumstance is going to show up that feels very serious and heavy, right, immediately. How I navigate that is everything to whether that transformation gets integrated, right, and is actually a lasting transformation.


So often we stay in this churn of insights because it’s fun. It’s exciting. “Oh my gosh, I see this. I did that.” Right? But a lot of coaches aren’t firmly holding this container for their client to go face the thing that pops up, right? And to really integrate that change into their life. We love the bright, shiny object, right? 


Or your clients might love the bright, shiny object of, “Let me get another ah-ha and another ah-ha and another ah-ha.” And that feels fun and it feels like, “I’m changing, I’m growing.” But if they look at their business results or their relationship results or their parenting results or their career results, they’re not actually moving, they just know more and they’re in the same place, right, which can actually feel worse.

So what does this mean for you?

There is a process, a system, a structure for transformation, and I teach it in my new book. And I’m going to tell you how you can get a copy, but the third stage of that structure is what I call integration. And this is all about, we’re not going back and reinventing the wheel, we’re not coming up with a new ah-ha, but we’re actually saying, “Well, this is the energy. This is the idea. This is the way of being that we want to integrate.” And your job as the leader, as the coach, as the holder of the container, is to help your client actually integrate that one thing.

And as they do that, they will have ripple effects in all areas of their lives.

And they may have more insights as they do that, right?


But don’t skip that integration, have a whole program or an offer that’s all about the integration, right. You might have one program that helps them see the ah-ha, that helps them get the transformation, that initial energy shift, but then have a whole program that’s just about integrating that into their life. And if you do that, you’re operating in alignment with how transformation works. And it’s amazing. Don’t skip that. And if you don’t like doing that part, find a partner that does, right. Refer them to us because we freaking love it.


Okay, so I told you, I would tell you about my book. It’s called Shift the Field, and it is all about how transformation works consistently, predictably, and reliably and how, when you embrace the structure, you can free yourself to show up in your magic. It is going to be available coming soon. If you click the link in the comments or the show notes, you can get on a waitlist to be notified the moment it’s released.


We are really going for number one bestseller on day one, and I would love for you to be there, to purchase and to write a review. I’m giving away all kinds of gifts that first week that this book goes up for sale. So put your name and email in, and we will let you know, and I’ll see you in the next video.

UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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Creating Ideal Clients

Creating Ideal Clients

Creating Ideal Clients
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


What would it be like if all of your clients were ideal clients? If you have or you ever have had those clients that are you’re less-than-favorites, or you wonder what problem they’re going to have next, or are they actually doing their homework … I want you to imagine that all of your clients are just right for you.

Hello and welcome. This is Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of Shift the Field. And I want to speak today to the idea of creating ideal clients, creating ideal clients.


Now, notice I did not say attracting ideal clients. I did not say marketing to ideal clients, anything like that. I said creating ideal clients. And that’s what I want to speak to.


So pause for a moment, take a breath. … And I want you to ask yourself, how are you feeling about the clients you’re working with today? And I want you to even imagine your calendar. And the intention with a Sourced business is that every single appointment on your calendar is something that feels good to you. There’s never that client, or that group, or that engagement that makes you go, “Oh, I really don’t want to do that today.”


So where are you at with that?

Just take a moment to reflect.

And I want to ask you, what would it be like if all of your clients were ideal clients? Now, if that’s already true for you, you might want to stop watching now. But if you have or you ever have had those clients that are like you’re less than favorite, or you wonder how it’s going to go with them, or you wonder what problem they’re going to have next, or you wonder are they actually doing their homework, that kind of thing. And I want you to imagine that all of your clients are just right for you.


Now, I don’t want you to imagine going out there and getting new clients, although for some people that may be appropriate, that it’s time to shift who your STAR client is, up-level who you’re speaking to so your magic can shine in a higher level. For a lot, a lot, lot, lot of entrepreneurs, these client issues are coming up for us as the leader to grow.


So creating new clients is all about helping your client shift their energy at the core. It’s not about getting different clients. It’s not that you’re doing something wrong in your teaching or that the stuff you’re bringing to them isn’t brilliant. Maybe you see exactly what they need to do, but for whatever reason, they can’t see it or they’re not doing it and you don’t know why.


I want to invite you to consider that there is a way that you can help them to shift their energy at the very core. And when their energy actually doing the things that you really want them to do becomes easy, it becomes natural. It becomes something that they really want to do, not something that you have to give them accountability for, or make them want it because they naturally want that which is good for their soul.

So many service providers don’t know how to do this, or they don’t know how to do it predictably.

Some clients might come; they’re so hungry for transformation that they get it like that. And it’s like you can ask a few questions, and they got it, and they’re off and running. But other clients are a little more challenging. They’re a little stickier. And they call for you to do a little bit more, to be a little bit more, to show up more in your power.


Now, this isn’t about working harder to please them. That can be the tendency. How can I do more so they’re happy? But it’s not about that. It’s about getting at what’s underneath, what I call their hidden commitment. This energetic truth that they’re carrying that’s hidden from their view that is causing them to show up this way in their relationship to you. When you can help them uncover that, it changes everything.

When they see that truth, they can release it, and they can create something new to take its place.

And they’re going to come to their calls and their trainings and their group sessions and all of the things with you in a whole new energy field.


Now, if you don’t know exactly how to deliver that, I’m not going to teach that here in this video. I actually have a whole training and certification around it. But I do want to let you know that that is the subject of my new book, which is coming out April 12. So I want to invite you to mark your calendar. If you want to get on an interest list to get an announcement when it comes out, you can see that link below this video.


For now, for now, because it’s coming really, really soon. For now, I really want you to reflect on this concept that it’s not about getting new clients or attracting better clients. It’s actually about being a better leader of transformation for the clients that you already have. It’s so much easier to show up for them with this firm container and understanding of how to shift the field than it is to bring in whole new people. Because guess what? If you need to grow in this way as a leader, the whole new people are going to have the same freaking issues. So let’s prepare to Shift the Field for your clients together!


Check out the link below. And thank you so much for being here. I’d love to know your own experience with this, where you’ve had a transformation, and you’ve seen all of your clients totally change how they show up for you. I know people watching have those stories. Please post them in the comments, and we’ll see you soon.


UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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The Magical Miracle of Truth – Book Launch Link

The Magical Miracle of Truth – Book Launch Link

The Magical Miracle of Truth – Book Launch Link
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


There is a way transformation works consistently and predictably. There’s a place in the process where when truth comes forth. Your client will see it. They’ll feel it. They’ll receive it. They might not like it, because a lot of times the thing that’s hidden from our view is hidden for a reason. We don’t want to see it. We don’t love it. But they will be ready. They will be receptive. And in that receiving, you can validate what’s so. You can love them even with this thing. And they can friggin’ let it go. And when they let it go, that energy shift is palpable. That open space is present. There’s that vacuum in which they can now create anything they want.

Hi, welcome. This is Darla LeDoux, and let’s talk today about the magical miracle of truth. So, first of all, I just want to bring forward that there is no “One Truth” that I’m here to preach to you. Truth is unique and distinct for each person. So each client you work with has their own unique truth, because we each came here to be and to express as a unique slice of Source energy. And we’re not meant to operate in the same kind of set of guidelines as anybody else, really. So your client has their own unique truth, and I’m guessing you know you’re a bringer of truth or you wouldn’t be here watching this video.


Now the issue is that a lot of our clients and ourselves have a belief in something that is what I call the “small t” truth. Or it’s true, but it’s not actually Truth with a capital T. So it’s true based on some lie, some misinterpretation of some circumstance growing up where we said, “Oh, based on what I’m observing, this must be true. I’m going to live my life this way so I can stay safe.” And then we live like the “small t” is actually our “Big T” Truth, and then we don’t know why we’re not getting the results that are this divinely aligned flow.


And this is true for your clients, as well. They are operating… and we never finish this process. They’re operating with some “small t” that is guiding them, that they feel like is true, but it’s not actually their truth. And if they could just let it go, their whole world would change. They would shift their energy field and they would totally shift the playing field for their life.

Now this is where you come in.

As a transformational leader and guide, you are helping them to see, feel, hear, sense, and be with their truth. You’re helping them to see the “small t” and embrace the “Big T.” And that really is the heart of the process of transformation.


Now the issue is people don’t know when, where, and how to use their magic to reveal truth. So let me tell you what I mean by that. In a container, if you’re a coach or a mentor or something like that, a teacher, and people are working with you over time in a container of support, there is an appropriate place to be a truth revealer. And if you know that’s your gift, it’s part of what you do, there can be a tendency to want to go truth all the time.


But there’s actually a divinely beautiful place to help your clients see and be with truth. And if you bring that out too soon, you’re going to meet resistance. Or you’re going to… I know everybody has had this experience where you give really good advice to someone. Maybe it’s a client, maybe it’s a friend. But they aren’t ready to receive it. And it’s like, “Oh, if they could just see what I see, they wouldn’t keep having this same problem.”


But they’re not ready to see it. And so when you want to be all truth revealer, when someone’s not in the place to receive it, you’re actually not giving your substance where it can do most good. You’re giving your magic away and it’s not being received. And what happens then is we start to doubt our magic, but it’s not that your magic isn’t accurate. It’s that you’re not understanding the structure for transformation that allows you to actually let your magic flow.


So there is a place, there’s a way transformation works consistently and predictably. And there’s a place in the process where when this truth comes forth, your client will see it, they’ll feel it, they’ll receive it. They might not like it, because a lot of times the thing that’s hidden from our view is hidden for a reason. We don’t want to see it. We don’t love it. But they will be ready. They will be receptive. And in that receiving, you can validate what’s so. You can love them even with this thing. And they can friggin let it go. And when they let it go, that energy shift is palpable. That open space is present.

There’s that vacuum in which they can now create anything they want.

And when they create that anything they want after they’ve really been present with truth, that is where it’s coming from their soul. And that is where it’s Sourced. And they can create a Sourced energy. They can show up and express as that unique slice of Source that they came here to be. It’s amazing, it’s magical.


I know you’ve experienced it if you’re here. You’ve experienced it at least for yourself. But my question is, how consistently are you facilitating it? Do you hold a firm container? Are you patient and loving and nurturing of that container? And do you allow your client to move through the process and do you know the right moment to bring truth? Or are you offering insights willy nilly? And everybody’s excited. You’re excited. Your client’s excited. Like yay, there’s the insight, but nothing is changing because you’re not facilitating transformation. You’re not bringing that truth to a receptive audience.


That’s what I want for you. If you want to learn more about this, my upcoming book, Shift the Field, How to Deliver The Transformation Your Client Craves While Unlocking The Magic You Were Born To Share teaches you the structure that allows you to know when and where to bring your magic forward to elicit that truth.

There’s not one way to reveal magic.

In a system I teach, there are six Sourced Magics. I talk about them in the book.


And so there’s different ways that you might receive your knowing or guide your client to their knowing. And it’s amazing. And I want that. I want you to be your uniquely magical self. And I want you to have an understanding of where to bring that in this process so that you’re not depleting yourself by giving it out all over the place.


If you’re curious about the new book and you want to get on the invite list, the waitlist to be told the soonest possible date that you can purchase the book, just put your name and email, and there’s a link below that is the book waitlist, and you can put your name and email in and we will let you know.


I’m super, super excited and proud of this second book. And I know it’s going to serve a lot of transformational beings. And I hope this video itself has actually served you. Let me know in the comments. Be sure to like, subscribe. It really does make a difference. And we’ll see you soon.


UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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Connection is Healing and Healing is Connection

Connection is Healing and Healing is Connection

Connection is Healing and Healing is Connection
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


When we’re feeling ashamed of our own truth that then it owns us. But when we can presence it with another human, we can heal it. We can work with it. It actually frees up this energy to create momentum within our business and our life.”

Hi, this is Darla. Welcome to today’s video, where we’re exploring connection as a pathway to healing. And healing as a pathway to connection. And this conversation is dedicated to the late Rhonda Simpson who operated with this as her clarity point, connection is healing and healing is connection. Rhonda was our client and an amazing, amazing soul. And when she discerned this belief that she held, she was a physician turned energy coach. Amazing woman. When she discerned this clarity point, it immediately spoke right to my soul. Like that is true.


So what I would like to bring forward right now is this idea that we’re in an interesting time right now, obviously with the pandemic and there being like a lack of connection. But also a lot of creativity around the idea of connection.

People are finding different ways to connect than we ever have before.

And, in a video not too long ago, I talked about truth and doubt and how the pathway out of self-doubt is to actually name it and share it with another person and in doing so, it loses its power. This is a great example of how connection creates healing when we can presence a truth between us and another human being. We are witnessing it, right? We’re giving it space. We’re seeing, feeling like touching the energy of it. And in doing so, it loses its power over us.


It can be worked with, transformed, transmuted, reintegrated in amazing and beautiful ways. When we are disconnected from our truth or disconnected from humans, like maybe we see our truth and we’re alone with it. And we’re feeling ashamed of our own truth that then it owns us. But when we can presence it with another human, we can heal it. We can work with it.

It actually frees up this energy to create momentum within our business and our life.

Now, what I’ve personally noticed this year is I moved first of all, I relocated. And one of my intentions for relocating was to find my people, to create community locally in real life, as opposed to virtually. Now it’s super ironic that we’re not getting together in real life. So I moved in March, but even through that, the intention has been being fulfilled with opportunities showing up for me to connect with certain types of people and not just connect like, “Hey, we’re networking. You do this, I do this. Let’s promote each other.” But connect like as transformational beings of light and to truly be willing to presence everything in connection with another being.


Now, of course, I’m practicing this in my marriage as well. And I’m practicing this with a community that I’ve drawn in that I feel just like amazing and so excited about. One of the things that’s so important for where we’re going as a culture is that we risk to put this truth into this space. So as we can see, there’s a lot going on, there’s a lot of different opinions, conflicting opinions, a lot of judgment happening among people. And so it can feel especially scary to go, “Well, here’s my truth.” Because if you’re watching the dynamics of what’s happening, it feels like a dangerous place to put truth out, right? Yet when you’re coming from an authentic aligned Sourced energy and sharing truth, people feel that that is not inviting in like the infighting. If you watch when this is happening, it’s not truth that’s being spoken. It’s justifications.


But here’s the key, rather than going out there into what feels unsafe and speaking your truth…

create a community of souls who can hear and receive you.

This is so important, in looking back at the work I’ve been doing for the last 10, 11 years, this component of the safe space in a community where people already get it. We have a common understanding, even though we’re very different and we can trigger each other and all of that, there’s this common understanding of the commitment to transformation.


And within that space it’s safe to put it out there, get yourself a space like that, where you can start to speak what your intuition knows and sees and feels where you know you’ll be received, where you know you’ll be held with love. Even if someone has a differing view, where you know you’ll be held with love, where it’s a yes and we can build on this together.


If you don’t have that kind of community, let us know because we do. We do and if you’re watching to this point in this video, you’re probably our people and we have an amazing community that fosters your unique Sourced expression on the planet. So reach out, let us know, put a comment. And of course, like, subscribe, share. I love you. Thank you for who you are in the world. And we’ll see you soon.

UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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How To Programs or Energetic Containers

How To Programs or Energetic Containers

How To Programs or Energetic Containers
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


What is needed on the planet right now is people who are at a higher frequency to generously hold space for people who want to move to that frequency. Now all this can also be recorded. Frequency transmits through recordings. I’m recording right now. You’re connecting with my energy. So that’s all happening.”

Hi, this is Darla. Let’s talk today about creating how-to programs, as opposed to creating energetic programs. Shall we?


So, one of the things that is happening right now in the energy of our world and our evolution, first of all, people are seeking transformation more than ever. They are even more aware of the transformation that they’re looking for. In fact, in my upcoming book, I write about this idea of sell them what they want, give them what they need, which probably a lot of us learned early on in our business. That is, to me, no longer the way to go in the future, right? It really is.

People are more conscious that they actually need transformation.

When we are trying to bury it under selling a thing, for example, I’ve been selling retreats, right, and teaching people how to lead retreats for a long time. But what I’ve really been selling is transformation.


I keep getting the message, it’s like, just let go of any of those filters of the old way and allow this new truth to come through, which is that people are actually seeking transformation. I’ve always known this, right, but there’s been a part of me, this is how I refer to what’s hidden from our view, a part of me that bought into the common knowledge and the things I was taught about what people won’t buy. If you are one of those people who’s bought into this, I just want to give you permission to free yourself because it’s not accurate.


So back to the topic of how-to’s versus creating energetic containers. So one of the things that I’m noticing a lot for myself as I’m developing a whole new body of work around this concept of becoming Sourced as a leader is I am looking at what would I typically do and what does Source want me to do in this new work? One of the things I’ve always done because I saw it modeled, I was taught it, I’d taken a lot of training, all of the things, is creating specific courses work or how-to courses, right, that people could buy. Obviously the goal is for this to be evergreen, meaning it can be sold while I sleep, right? I’ve been very successful at that. I have a program called Retreat and Grow Rich. It’s an awesome program. We still sell it. It’s amazing. It walks people through how to think about their retreat-based business in a way that it’s really transformational and really profitable. That’s great, right, to have that recorded and captured where people can learn.


That being said, as we are continuing to speed up at this time, right, and things are moving much, much faster, we have less of a need for our conscious mind to understand things and more of a need for energetic containers or structures to support us as we move through rapid transformation. So I’m not saying this old way, the how-to course is not good and valuable, okay? Even Retreat and Grow Rich, my how-to course, it has an energetic component, right? When people watch the videos and the training, they’re tuning into me and my energy and my belief and my what I call a Sourcefield, right? They’re tuning into that as part of it. Yet, the how-to is what they’re focused on, right? How do I do this retreat?


In this new world, I just want to encourage you to think about your work as energy, okay? Now, I know if you’re following me, you already think about energy. This isn’t new information. But I want you to take it a step further to say in this container, there is an energy exchange that’s happening.

What is needed on the planet right now is people who are at a higher frequency to generously hold space for people who want to move to that frequency.

Now all this can also be recorded, right? Frequency transmits through recordings. I’m recording right now. You’re connecting with my energy. So that’s all happening.


What I’ve seen again for myself and with my clients is this old way, there’s this desire to package it all pretty in a step one, step two, step three, right? Like a formulaic approach to how to get a result. It’s great to be able to take intangible concepts and put a structure to them. That’s one of the things that I see as my brilliance.


Right now, as we are moving faster and faster, it may seem harder and harder to put the structure on it and have it, or put the formula together, right, and have it be something that’s going to last over time. Because in short order, it’ll be obsolete.


So if you’re having a hard time kind of putting the step-by-step together, it may be that your soul is telling you that. There are some things that are worth capturing and automating and evergreening and selling overnight, and there are also some things that people need that it’s an energetic container that’s happening in the now, in connection to the energy of now, which is going to be different in six months or different in a year. So I’m not prescribing that this approach is better, right?


By a container, I mean, perhaps it’s a group where you have live calls, transmissions or teachings that are intuitively led in the moment for that group, those exact people need that at this time.


Perhaps you’re feeling more drawn to do this and everything in you is saying, “I should systematize. I should automate. I shouldn’t be showing up live all the time. That’s not a sustainable business.” Dah, dah, dah, dah.


Tune into what your soul wants you to know, right? What does your soul want you to know about where you’re best served right now? Sometimes when we’re over here, trying to put it in a formula or a systematic course, right, we’re in our head. We’re bringing head energy, right? Then the people receiving it, they’re thinking about it, and by the way, they’re also actively resisting it possibly.


Whereas over here, we’re in our heart, we’re in our body.

We are tuned into our light, the energy field that is most needed for the people who need it right now.

I for one have been feeling much more drawn to this direction lately. So tune in and see what are you feeling? If you are feeling a sense of resistance, maybe stop trying to make it the thing that you’re going to do over and over again. Allow it to be this potent energetic container that happens in a moment in time. Then afterwards, you can decide if you want to systemize it, right? Because you’ve got the recordings, it’s all there, and the energy is embedded and your soul will always know.


If you have trouble tuning in and discerning for yourself what’s most appropriate for you at this time, like actually hearing Source want to work through you, reach out, let us know. Message and we’re happy to tell you about what we got going on that you can step into as a container at this time. I’m Darla LeDoux, founder of Sourced, author of Shift the Field, and we’ll see you soon.

UPDATE: Shift the Field is available for purchase!

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