Give the Gift of Magic

Give the Gift of Magic

Give the Gift of Magic
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


This holiday season, I invite you to give the gift of magic to someone in your world. The book, Shift the Field, and our upcoming virtual conference, Shift the Field Live, are the perfect gifts for coaches, consultants, creatives, and healers to learn how to market, sell, and deliver deep transformation using their unique magic. 


The Perfect Gift – Shift the Field

Shift The Field is the definitive guide for facilitating transformation for service-based professionals who want to go deeper with their clients, unlocking the magic they were born to share.

Shift the Field is broken down into three parts:

Discover The Anatomy of A Transformation

There is a science to understanding, facilitating, and repeating transformation for both you and your clients. You’ll learn how to harness it to unleash your magic.

Learn How to Create a “Transformation First” Business

Shifting from a “problem solver” to a “transformer of energy” enables you to fundamentally simplify how you work, market, and connect with your clients.


Connect With Your Divined Source Energy

Tap into the not-so-secret sauce that allows you to live in your truth and more easily hold space for your clients to see theirs.

Shift The Field is the definitive guide for facilitating transformation for service-based professionals who want to go deeper with their clients, unlocking the magic they were born to share.

The Perfect Gift for Everyone

Magicians giving it away for free

Shift the Field is not only for people who are already in the coaching world. This book can be for anyone who lives in the creative world, such as writers, copywriters, ghostwriters, brand designers, graphic designers, or anyone who naturally already offers transformation without even trying but doesn’t effectively charge for it.


The Undiscovered Magician

It might be for someone who wants to be more spiritual and overt about energy, vibration, or even transformation, but they’re a little bit nervous about how to do that.


The Undercharging Magician

Maybe they’re already marketing and selling transformation, but they’re undervaluing it. I had people reach out and tell me that they had made it required reading for any of their clients who are coaches or healers because they had discovered that people in these fields could have a hard time knowing how to offer their services.


The Busy Bee

Shift the Field is a perfect gift for anyone that wants to work lighter. If you know someone and always wonder if you should call because they’re probably busy working, this book is for them.  


When someone understands how the structure and Anatomy of a Transformation works, they can work lighter and work less because they are much more potent in their work. 


The Unstructured Magician

Shift the Field is a perfect gift for anyone who does not have a clear business model if people cannot understand how they work, just by scanning their website, for example, or talking to them.

When someone understands how the structure and Anatomy of a Transformation works, they can work lighter and work less because they are much more potent in their work. 

A great way to start? Take the Magic Quiz to discover how your magic can help you work lighter and more potently in your life and business. 


At Sourced, we help service-based entrepreneurs [coaches, consultants, healers, therapists] confidently market, sell and deliver deep transformation with their unique magical gifts.


We’d love to see you at our Shift the Field Live event on February 17-19, 2022.

Today through December 31, we invite you to align your energy and strategy for the new year when you register for Shift the Field Live for just $311 $111! and gift a copy of Shift the Field to someone who could work and live lighter by becoming Sourced. 


Please help us deliver this information to more coaches, consultants, creatives, and healers to collectively normalize this transformation experience and create more freedom, love, light, and empowerment on this planet.


At Sourced, we help service-based entrepreneurs [coaches, consultants, healers, therapists] confidently market, sell and deliver deep transformation with their unique magical gifts.

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Money for Your Magic

Money for Your Magic

Money for Your Magic
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Think about the biggest problem in your life right now. If you had a magic wand and could solve that problem immediately, what would that be worth for you?


Now let’s think about your client. What is their biggest problem right now? What would it be worth to them to solve it?


Let’s talk about money for your magic.


The Pricing Spreadsheet
I started my business as a coach twelve years ago. I remember trying to set my pricing. As an engineer by trade, of course, I had a spreadsheet, and I would come up with all of the different prices. Depending on how many clients I would get each month and at what price, I would map out how much money I would make.


Inevitably, at the end of my spreadsheet was a number that felt way too small for me to have the life that I wanted. I was in this place of inching up my pricing, but it would never quite add up to a number that was exciting for me.

Inevitably, at the end of my spreadsheet was a number that felt way too small for me to have the life that I wanted. I was in this place of inching up my pricing, but it would never quite add up to a number that was exciting for me.

Ten Years in the Self Help Aisle
Then I remember having this aha moment when I was thinking about my journey. I had been first trained as a coach ten years before I started my business. I knew I loved it and knew that was the work that I wanted to do.

However, I had an energy pattern, which I call default energy, that kept me from acting on this path I knew I would love. My default pattern was this idea that I had to be smart to get love, and quitting my engineering job to become a coach did not seem like a smart idea.


No matter what I did, no matter how many self-help books I read or how many interviews I did with people in different careers to figure out what I was meant to do with my life, I couldn’t figure it out.


I spent what I call “10 years in the self-help aisle”, reading and analyzing every book about who I was meant to be and what I should do with my life.

It made no difference because I was reading every one of these books through the same default energy filter – I have to be smart to get love.


All signs pointed me right to this career that I have today and love, but I couldn’t see it; I couldn’t receive it because I had a block, and I needed to transform.

I spent what I call “10 years in the self-help aisle”, reading and analyzing every book about who I was meant to be and what I should do with my life.

Committing to Transformation
I finally got myself into a container; I went on a retreat to see and transform this pattern. This is where I finally understood that this belief, that I have to be smart to get love, was getting in the way. It was blocking. I finally understood that I could let it go and create a new belief and foundation for my life.


Then, all of a sudden, I finally thought I should be a coach. From there, it became easy. After transformation, my coaching business became as natural as breathing.

Now, what does this have to do with you?
I had a big problem which was I didn’t know what to do with my life. I was in a career I knew was not the right path for me, and I couldn’t seem to figure out what was.


I spent ten years on my own, trying to figure it out through the same filter until I got in a room and committed to my transformation. Once that belief shifted, doing the work I love became easy.

I spent ten years on my own, trying to figure it out through the same filter until I got in a room and committed to my transformation. Once that belief shifted, doing the work I love became easy.


The Aha Moment
So finally, here I am doing the work I love but undercharging for it. I was sitting in my office with my spreadsheet calculating my rate for making a living wage, and suddenly, I remembered my journey, and I reflected on my own experience – the ten years in the self-help aisle.


What would I have paid ten years ago to someone who could have saved me ten years of reading self-help books and not doing what I love?

What is the biggest issue that your client has? And what would it be worth for them to solve it?

What if them choosing to work with you could save them ten years in the self-help aisle? What would that be worth? Suddenly, the investment to work with me made so much more sense at a higher price, and I was willing to receive money for my magic.


Are you willing to receive money for your magic?
I was charging about $375 per month for my coaching, and the very next offer I made was for $6,000. So can you save your clients ten years in the self-help aisle? Or what’s the equivalent for you?


Can you save your client’s attorney fees from getting a divorce if you’re a relationship coach? If you are a parenting coach, can you save them sleepless nights for the next 18 years?


How can you frame up what your magic will help people do to communicate the value? Will you be willing to receive the money for your magic? It can be easy to diminish your magic because it comes naturally to you. You may feel like simply showing up for one hour per week isn’t enough, but if you can help someone transform, it is so much more than merely showing up.


If you can help someone transform that default energy pattern they’ve been viewing the world through, and can remove that filter, that will change everything for them for the rest of their lives.

What if I could have started my business ten years sooner? What level would my business be? How many more people could I have served? How much further would my mission be if I had started ten years sooner? What is that worth?

If you can help someone transform that default energy pattern they’ve been viewing the world through, and can remove that filter, that will change everything for them for the rest of their lives.


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Three Signs Being “On” Could be the Death of Your Magic

Three Signs Being “On” Could be the Death of Your Magic

Saying No Without Making It Wrong
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Have you ever felt like you needed to wait until you were ready until you were total “on” to show up for your business or your marketing?

I want to tease out a new concept that might spark something for you.

I want to talk about the three signs that this might be happening.

The Three Signs

First, you are experiencing a kind of love/hate or a push/pull relationship with bringing in new clients. On the one hand, you want to welcome in more clients because you love what you do.


There’s also this sense that as I add more clients, that’s more of my time that I have to be on when I’m working with them. It might feel heavy, or you have some resistance; even though you’d like more cash flow coming into your business, who doesn’t?


Second, you have had this thought in your mind, I need a sabbatical, and I need to go away and heal. Once I get it all sorted out, and it’s perfectly in alignment, then I can do my business.

Third, you are continually delaying your launch.
Maybe you are doing a program launch with affiliates, and you’re thinking I’m not quite ready to start inviting people yet, or I need to record that automated webinar, and I want to wait until it’s a perfect time and I’m feeling great.

So it keeps getting pushed out.

If we were in a room together, I’d ask you to raise your hand if any of these things speak to you.

If you raised your hand, this idea of “on” might be the death of your Magic.

you are experiencing a kind of love/hate or a push/pull relationship with bringing in new clients. 

What is your Magic?

Let’s establish what your Magic is. Your Magic is this inner knowing guided by Sourced that helps you know your unique path in this life. It shows up when you work with clients and help them transform.

Do you know what your Magic is? Take our Magic Quiz to find out!

Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not. Please let that sink in. Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not.

We are taught throughout our lives that when we show up for others, we have to be “on”; we have to perform. We have to get a good grade; we have to give the most fantastic speech. We live in this world of comparison, so we feel like we’re at risk of failure if we’re not “on.”

So we wait until we’re ready to compete, and be better than, and be “on.” Here’s what happens – we give all of our best stuff to everybody else, and we’re never on or showing up for ourselves.

Would you please think of the consequence of this? Per this way of thinking, whenever I’m “on,” I have to perform, and if I’m off, I can give myself a break. If you recognize this pattern in yourself, you may create a lot of opportunities to be sick so that you can have a break.

Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not. Please let that sink in. Your Sourced Magic is available to you at all times, whether you are “on” or not.

Three Actions You Can Take to Bring the Magic Back

First, show up. Consider that your Magic comes alive when in connection to others. Showing up doesn’t mean you’re perfect when in connection with others it means you are real when in connection with others.


If you’re a healer, coach, or any leader, you are in a relationship with your client, and when you show up (even if you’re off), your stuff moves out of the way, and your inner knowing comes through.


So if you feel like you have to wait until you’re “on” to connect with people and to show up, or do that thing, the Facebook Live, the YouTube video, or unwritten blog, is going to keep getting delayed and keep getting delayed.


I have found that showing up and connecting with people exactly as I am, and engaging my energy with theirs, brings me to the clarity I need for whatever action I want to take in my business every single time.

Second, your Magic is always going to lead you to the right place. Your inner knowing is not going to have you show up somewhere that you’re not ready for.


Know when your Magic, or inner knowing says, “Go live on Facebook!” it’s not possible that you’re not ready. You simply have some preconceived idea of how you’ve always shown up that you think is the “right way.” That’s what you’re waiting for, and that’s why you continue to delay.


The people who watch you need you exactly how you are now, not the perfect version of you that may exist somewhere down the line.


There’s a phrase that I have been teaching in my retreat and Grow Rich work called “earn while you learn.” That comes from the idea that your Magic will always lead you to the right place. To earn while you learn means to take the step precisely as you are without waiting until you know everything or until you feel like you’re “on.”


Finally, consider this. What if your “off” is enough? I had an experience a few years ago where I got some upsetting personal news right before I had a retreat, and I had 16 people coming in from all over the world to retreat with me.


This news put me on the floor, and I had to show up and lead. Here’s how I handled it. I said to myself, “Okay, who you are in the world, who you’ve become, all of the work you’ve done, and your energy is going to be enough to carry this container.”


I had to trust my body, trust my vibration, trust the vibration that is integrated into my being, even though my mind was distracted. And it was.


What if your “off” were enough?

So if you feel like you have to wait until you’re “on” to connect with people and to show up, or do that thing, the Facebook Live, the YouTube video, or unwritten blog, is going to keep getting delayed and keep getting delayed.

What to Do Instead

What if, instead, when you’re feeling on, that’s the time you give to yourself? What if you give your creative process your best time? What if you give your self-care your best time? What if you wake up and think, ‘I am feeling my best, I’m going to go for a hike in nature, commune with nature, and feed my soul even more.

Imagine what your world would be like if that were true? What if you didn’t have to wait until you were sick to nurture yourself? What if you could give yourself the best?

I’d love to hear how this is resonating with you. How have you experienced the need to be “on” versus showing up even when you’re off?

What if, instead, when you’re feeling on, that’s the time you give to yourself?

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Saying No Without Making It Wrong

Saying No Without Making It Wrong

Saying No Without Making It Wrong
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


Can you say no, without making someone or something wrong? 


I’ve been noticing this phenomenon. First, I saw it in myself because I decided to say no to something, which was a big decision in my life. As I mentioned in my last video about trusting the energy energetically, I knew it was wrong for me. 


I knew I was a no, and other people thought I should be a yes and tried to talk me into all the reasons why this yes was a good thing.  Here’s what I watched happen. Instead of just saying no and moving on, I found myself saying no and then expending a whole lot of energy, thinking about it, analyzing it, and asking myself, did I do the right thing? 


Others felt like I should say yes, and I felt like I had to find reasons they were wrong so I could feel good in my No. Think about a time when you’ve done that. Maybe it’s an opportunity that you don’t want to take; maybe you’re stepping back from a role, and you know, that’s what’s right for you. But to give yourself permission to say no, you start to analyze all the reasons that that role is wrong. Or that that situation never served you anyway. 

Instead of just saying no and moving on, I found myself saying no and then expending a whole lot of energy, thinking about it, analyzing it, and asking myself, did I do the right thing? 

Here’s what happens when we do that. We bring all this negative energy into our experiences of the past. Just because something’s a no for you now doesn’t mean all of the choices that you’ve made were wrong. 


There was a time I was working with a coach who helped me so much. It was an awesome experience, and I learned so much. And then I got to the point where I just knew it was complete. I knew what I needed from that person I had gotten and that staying wasn’t serving me anymore, even though it was amazing. 


The tendency I noticed was to find more and more reasons why it didn’t work well or why I was right and then make the other person wrong. 


It wasn’t because I wanted the other person to be wrong. It was because that was the only way I knew how to leave. You can only leave when it becomes toxic, and you can only leave when there’s something wrong.  

it wasn’t because i wanted the other person to be wrong. it was because that was the only way i knew how to leave. you can only leave when something is toxic, and you can only leave when there’s something wrong. 

Can you think of a place where that’s happened for you? If so, journal about that. What was the cost of going in and making it wrong? Can you go back now and shift the energy about something in the past? Can you go back now and make it right? 


If you can’t think of something, pay attention this next week because I started to see it in lots of little places. How much time and energy are you spending making things wrong? And what is that doing to your energy field to be in that space?

What was the cost of going in and making it wrong? Can you go back now and shift the energy about something in the past? Can you go back now and make it right? 

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Trust the Energy

Trust the Energy

Trust the Energy
By Darla LeDoux, Founder of Sourced and Author of the books Shift The Field and Retreat and Grow Rich


I’m back here in my office after a summer of travel. I’m so excited that I will be recording a whole new series of videos based on what I learned. I will be covering business-oriented topics and stories from my world, where I have had to trust the energy to shift the field. 


For those of you who are transformational leaders, you know what I mean. It’s time for Transforming Out Loud Season once again!


Last week, I hosted a retreat with a small group of clients who are graduates of our programs, who came to practice their magic and trust the energy. 


The retreat’s theme was Trust the Energy or Energy Dynamics, and we had lots of opportunities to practice. That’s what makes retreats so amazing. When you come together live, you really get to have the experience and the immediate feedback of your perception of energy. 


That’s the kind of stuff we do, especially at a high level on our retreats. We go deep, quickly, and we create a safe container. We’re able to experience things and see how other people experienced the same things to get a sense and validate the energy in your body. 

That’s what makes retreats so amazing. When you come together live, you really get to have the experience and the immediate feedback of your perception of energy. 

I had an experience this summer where I became obsessed with trust. All I could think about was, can I trust? Can I trust again? Will I be able to trust this person, this situation, etc. 


One of the best decisions I ever made, and continue to make over and over again, is to work with coaches who understand the dynamics of energy. They aren’t just speaking to the head and the circumstances but understanding the dynamics of energy. 


My coach said to me, ‘what if you never had to worry about trust? What if you never had to worry about trusting someone again? 


I said, ‘okay, say more? 


She continued, ‘What if your job wasn’t to figure out if you could trust someone, a person, or a situation, but rather trust the universe, and trust, the energy and how it feels in your body? 


I  sat with that and thought, ‘Well, of course, I trust the universe. That’s kind of what I do. But I was being invited to trust the universe at a deeper level. It was like I was trusting the universe, but I was also figuring everything out at the same time. 


Have you ever done that? 

‘What if your job wasn’t to figure out if you could trust someone, a person, or a situation, but rather trust the universe, and trust, the energy and how it feels in your body? 

So the invitation was to trust the universe. One of the things my coach said was, ‘all you have to do is show up in the moment and see how you feel in the moment in your body. Think about that. Think about if you never had to figure out if you could trust someone or if you’re doing the right thing. 


All you have to do is show up in the moment and trust that the universe will give you what you need to respond. Then notice how you feel in your body in response to what’s happening, or the circumstance, or person or opportunity, etc.


I know for a lot of you, you might be saying ‘but I don’t know how to tell how I feel in my body.  I get it, and we have curriculums about that because people don’t know how they feel in their bodies. That’s why we practice. That’s why we become Sourced leaders. Trusting the energy is not something we instantly do because we’re trained out of knowing how to show up in the moment, feel how we feel in our body, and trust the energy.


We’re trained to override our inner knowing in favor of pleasing our parents or our teachers, etc. Showing up in the moment, and trusting the energy is an advanced practice. I made a decision to practice showing up in the moment, and trusting the energy.

All you have to do is show up in the moment and trust that the universe will give you what you need to respond. Then notice how you feel in your body in response to what’s happening, or the circumstance, or person or opportunity, etc.

I have to tell you; the universe had my back.  I didn’t have to figure anything out. Time after time, the universe presented to me the circumstances, the people, and bits of information that my body and my energy field could respond to, and then I could discern the truth. 


I never had to sit and figure out whether I could trust; I never had to fix anything about myself. Granted, I have done a lot of work to be able to actually show up and hear it. 


Imagine if that were true for you. I want you to think about how you would hold your business differently. How would you hold your relationships or the leadership of your team differently? 


If you knew all you had to do is show up and trust that the universe would deliver the perfect circumstances, for people to behave in the perfect way to show you exactly what you need to know, to make the decision. 


Then we have to trust it. Sometimes we feel it, but it might feel familiar. And we think that that feels good. But that’s not true. Just because energy feels familiar doesn’t mean it feels good in your body. That’s where the practice comes in. 


What’s it been like for you on your journey of learning? Do you trust the energy? Do you trust that you will notice it, to sense it, to feel it and to make decisions based on that without having to explain yourself to anyone? I would love to hear? 


Just because energy feels familiar doesn’t mean it feels good in your body. That’s where the practice comes in. 

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